As you will all know here at De Bohun School we really encourage our children to read as much as possible and so this Autumn Term we ran a Reading Challenge.
I am very pleased to announce that 3SE, Ms Edwards, is the winning class of the Autumn Reading Challenge. The decision was made on the whole class joint effort in reading, quizzing and achieving the higher amount of books read on Myon at home and in school. Certificates, medals and the prize of £100 was presented to 3SE during assembly. Well done 3SE.
Well done also to 4SZ, Ms Zaman who came in second place, they too made a huge effort in reading, again judged on the amount of books read on myOn at home, quizzing and reading in school. Children were given pens and certificates for their achievement. Well done 4SZ.
Thank you to all children for taking part in our Autumn Reading Challenge and Congratulations to all the winners.
Mrs. Tsirpi, School’s Reading Specialist