This term we took part in the ETSP (Enfield Town Schools’ Partnership) Art Awards and our children from Years 5 and 6 entered in Art work under the title “fragile”.
Many congratulations to:
Awezha (6AJ)
Azranur (5ZA) – Highly Commended on her work
Ermona (5MP)
Neva (6HS)
All the shortlisted entries to our ‘fragile’ art competition can be seen in our online gallery . If you click on the information ‘i’ icon on each artwork it will state the artist, year group, school, title and where relevant other information, including if the piece has been awarded a prize!
Each pupil has received a certificate and a postcard with individual feedback about their artwork. Prizes have also been awarded for the top 3 places in the Year 5 and Year 6 categories and will be finding their way to the relevant schools this week.