
5SE Buzz Wire Workshop

Over the last couple of weeks, pupils from year group 5 have attended a workshop where they made a buzz wire game. As well as designing and constructing the game with a given set of materials, they then used a Makey Makey kit (a programmable circuit board) to code various ‘buzz’ sounds and display messages (depending on their speed and skill) on a PC.

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5ZA Buzz Wire Workshop

Over the last couple of weeks, pupils from year group 5 have attended a workshop where they made a buzz wire game. As well as designing and constructing the game with a given set of materials, they then used a Makey Makey kit (a programmable circuit board) to code various ‘buzz’ sounds and display messages (depending on their speed and skill) on a PC.

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Golden Assembly #10

Golden assembly highlights pupils from Key Stage 1 & 2 who were given Learning to Learn and Merit certificates for their good behaviour and great can-do attitude. ​

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Park Trip

Last week the children in Reception went on a visit  to help clean up the local park. They had previously been learning about recycling and the different ways to look after the environment.

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